Friday, April 1, 2011

I Pity the Fool!

I know I said I was going to begin my 60's Hair Series 
but I just couldn't resist sharing these...
April "Fool-Styles"...

If Anthony Hopkins wore this hairstyle in Legends of
the Fall, it would have been hard to take him seriously.

Wow, Jennifer Lopez really does look beautiful
no matter what hairstyle she wears!

Brad Pitt working the Superbad/Cute combo

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
(The softer side of Brad)

Tom Cruise Punked

Million Dollar Beehive

A small person could get "Lost" in this hairstyle
Simon & Garfunkel
(AKA Matt Damon & Jude Law)
 Sharon Stone
Chuck "Don't Mess with my Shampoo/Set" Norris
 Jennifer Anniston...I wonder if this will catch
on like the "Rachel Cut" did?
When you're as handsome as George Clooney,
you can pull off a lot of looks. But this one?
 I actually think Nicole Kidman looks cool
 Leonardo DiCaprio (the 6th Jackson?)
Hillary Clinton...Proud to be an American
The Presidency really does change a person

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