Monday, June 21, 2010

No Mullets Allowed!

Wow, I can't believe this was on the cover of GQ.
Andre Agassi must be horrified when he sees this...
 Thank goodness he saw the light and stepped
out of the"mullet zone" as well as these other
celebrities (and for good reason)...
Achey Breaky Mullet
Healing Mullet
Fried Mullet
People Magazine's Sexiest Man...Really?
This was when the Donald was sporting the
comb-over and mullet combo. Quite impressive!

Parents, please take the following images  
as a not do this to your child!
Mullets may be "all business up front and party in
the back" but they don't look good on anyone


Josh said...

Tragic on multiple levels? Nice jacket, Andre. Do they make it in your size? I think that picture was taken the day Agassi auditioned for the Talking Heads.

Diane Schneider said...

The even more tragic thing is that he paid for those extensions to achieve his mullet.

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