Sunday, July 26, 2009

To Cut or Not To Cut Part II

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Getting a haircut isn’t just about the style. It’s also about the health of your hair. I think most people feel that unless they are maintaining a short hairstyle, they can go for months (and months and months and months…well, you get the idea) without getting a haircut.

Your hair, just like your skin, is part of the body’s outer protective shell. But as with your skin, there is nothing to protect it. This leaves it exposed on a daily basis to all kinds of potentially damaging elements in your environment. Couple this with improper care of the hair (using bad products, brushing the hair when wet, etc…) and you’ve got a perfect Recipe for damaged hair: 1 part environmental damage combined with 1 part improper care = Damaged Hair. Yield: Determined by the length of time since your last haircut!

So you can see that the longer you go in between haircuts, the more split ends, frizzys, and “wispy ends” you’ll have. Speaking of “wispy ends”, that brings me to the issue of style. I love long hair just as much as short hair. In fact, I’ve worn my hair long for many years. What I don’t love is walking behind someone with little wispy ends that come to a point (and not intentionally). It takes every ounce of my strength to not whip out my scissors and give them a nice clean trim. Those of you that cling to every wispy, frizzy, and damaged inch of hair are committing the equivalent of a comb-over (Don’t get me started on that subject…that’s a whole other topic I will address in the future). That's right, I said it. Harsh words I know, but they needed to be said!

Clinging to every inch of your hair brings me to my final point concerning the issue of style; those of you that are growing your hair out. The same “healthy hair principle” applies. Also, there is no reason you should suffer through weeks and months of no style. If you’re afraid to go to your hairstylist for regular “shapings”, then you need to go to another hairstylist. I know there are a lot of stylists out there that are scissor happy. But a good stylist always remembers that ultimately it’s your hair. I always discuss with my clients what I feel is the best way to achieve the style they want without sacrificing the health of their hair. Then it’s up to them.

So there you have it. The answer to the question, To Cut or Not To Yes! As long as you are getting it cut when you should, you and your hair (and your hairstylist) will be happy & healthy!

1 comment:

Guitarmoms said...

Since I started going to Diane I receive lots of compliments on my hair. No more--- well it will grow in! Now it looks good from day one and I keep it healthy and shaped by seeing Diane every four weeks. (Sometimes 5-6 weeks if I'm traveling) I could go longer between hair cuts, because my hair still looks good, but now that I go more frequently I don't have frizz or split ends to contend with. Plus--- her salon is so relaxing it's a treat to take care of me.

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